ROBIN ERICKSON Director of Communications
PHONE (401) 831-7700 x101 E-MAIL [email protected]
Tuesday, October 15, 2002 West Warwick to Launch Citizen Corps Tonight at
7:30pm -- First Rhode Island Community to Begin Training with Red Cross
WHAT: Following Rhode Island's launch of Citizen Corps this
summer, every Ocean State resident was asked to volunteer to better prepare the state for emergencies. West Warwick is the first Rhode Island Community, through the
efforts of its Emergency Manager, to launch a formal Citizen Corps training program through the American Red Cross of Rhode Island.
Two West Warwick church groups, the Shepard's Table Soup Kitchen and St.
Vincent de Paul Society, have agreed to begin training, learning how to operate emergency shelters designated in their community.
WHO: Major General Reginald Centracchio, Adjutant General of Rhode Island
RADM Barbara E. McGann, USN (ret.), Executive Director, American Red Cross of Rhode Island
Tom Senercia, Emergency Manager, Town of West Warwick
General Centracchio and Admiral McGann will be discussing the role of Citizen Corps to Town Council members.
WHEN: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 7:30pm
WHERE: West Warwick Town Hall Chambers
1170 Main Street West Warwick, RI