ROBIN ERICKSON Director of Communications
PHONE (401) 831-7700 x101 E-MAIL [email protected]
Wednesday, July 17, 2002 Red Cross Responding to Fatal Fire in
Narragansett This Morning Volunteer also at the Scene in Westerly
Two American Red Cross of Rhode Island volunteers --- both of whom worked at yesterday's East
Providence fire scene --- are back at work today, assisting victims at fires in Narragansett and Westerly.
One Red Cross volunteer is assisting two victims of a fatal early morning blaze at 24
Rhode Island Ave. in Narragansett. Because there is a fatality, the Red Cross will extend mental health services to the remaining two adults in the family. We are
also providing them with clothing. The victims are expected to stay with relatives.
The Red Cross is also on the scene of a second fire --- at 20 South Wooty Hill in
Westerly. The number of victims and extent of damage is not known at this time.
These are the 84th and 85th, fires, respectively, that the Red Cross has responded to in 2002.
In 2001, the American Red Cross of Rhode Island assisted 379 Rhode Island families,
who were victims of fires, spending over $200,000.00 in emergency services.
The Red Cross typically spends $1,000 per family of four it assists. All Red Cross
assistance is free. The Red Cross is not a government agency and relies on private donations to provide emergency assistance to Rhode Islanders in crisis.