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Wednesday, May 15, 2002
Local Red Cross Volunteers To Share Ground Zero Stories With Woonsocket Sixth Graders

Joe Farrington, of Woonsocket, a disaster volunteer with the American Red Cross of Rhode Island, spent several weeks at Ground Zero this past fall, working at a Red Cross Respite Center where he provided food, clothing and conversation to dozens of rescue workers returning from "the pile."

But Farrington is also a parent.

And now he is visiting his sixth grader's school to share his experiences with 90 Woonsocket Middle School students. Joe is bringing along two other local volunteers, Mary Clarke, who worked in Mayor Guiliani's Office of Emergency Management in New York City, and Don Silva, a Blue Cross & Blue Shield employee who, like Joe, worked at a respite center, but was in charge of ordering socks, boots and other supplies for rescue workers.

On Thursday, May 16 at 1pm, at Woonsocket Middle School, 357 Park Place, Woonsocket, the trio will share their stories of working in New York City following the events of September 11th.

"I want to share with them what it was like in New York," Farrington said. "But I also want to stress to them the importance of volunteering --- that sometimes it is important to give and get nothing in return but the satisfaction of helping."

This won't be the first time Farrington has talked to students. Last week, he visited his 3rd grader's class at Kendrick Elementary School in Woonsocket.

Following September 11th, 25 local Red Cross disaster volunteers traveled to Ground Zero and surrounding communities to assist in the relief effort.

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