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Thursday, April 18, 2002
Naval War College Provost, Barbara McGann to lead Rhode Island Red Cross

Providence, R.I. --- The American Red Cross of Rhode Island has named Newport native, Rear Adm. Barbara McGann, their new Executive Director, effective upon her retirement from the Navy this summer.

"It is an honor to be joining a truly professional organization which prides itself on service to this great country," said McGann. "The Red Cross of Rhode Island has set an extremely high standard, and I hope to continue their tremendous efforts."

A 32-year veteran of the U.S. Navy, McGann brings a wealth of experience to the Red Cross. For the last two years, she has served as the Provost at the Naval War College, where she has overseen the College's academic and research programs, as well as a world-renowned faculty. The War College serves as the premier center of strategic thought and National Security policy innovation for the Navy. In addition to American students, McGann has had the opportunity to guide the college's nearly 100 international students who attend each year.

"Working with people from all walks of life and every corner of the world is an experience that will hopefully serve me well in my new job," said McGann.

The American Red Cross of Rhode Island serves over one million people in Rhode Island and surrounding communities. Relying on a team of over 200 volunteers, the Rhode Island Red Cross provided emergency food, clothing and shelter to over 300 families displaced by house fire in 2001. In that same period, the organization also taught over 15,000 Rhode Islanders vital skills including CPR, First Aid, Babysitting and Water Safety.

McGann is no stranger to Rhode Island and the New England area. Born and raised in Newport, she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from The College of Our Lady of the Elms in Chicopee, MA, a Master of Science in Management from Salve Regina University and a Master of Arts in National Security Studies from Georgetown University.  McGann has also served four tours in Newport, including her first when she was commissioned through the Officer Candidate School. In addition to her present assignment as Provost, McGann was also a student and faculty member during her Naval service.

McGann has received many awards and accolades throughout her career including the Navy's Distinguished Service Medal and an Honorary Doctoral Degree from Roger Williams University. In September, McGann will be presented with the 2002 'History Maker' award by the Rhode Island Historical Society's Newell D. Goff Institute for Ingenuity and Enterprise Studies.

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